This precious family was so sweet and made our session so easy! We twirled around Turtle Creek Park and got some great family shots. This is another one of my favorite locations. So many quaint spots to make for a quick and easy session.

Dallas Child & Family Photography
This precious family was so sweet and made our session so easy! We twirled around Turtle Creek Park and got some great family shots. This is another one of my favorite locations. So many quaint spots to make for a quick and easy session.
I got to photograph this precious grandma with her kids and grandkids. Such a special time. I know these photos will be cherished for many years to come. Don’t wait to take those photos! You’ll be so happy to have them.
This Greenhill senior is headed for big things. Rohan is a kind, intelligent senior who will have his pick of colleges next year. We had fun walking around Bishop Arts, taking in the sights and people. It’s a great area for photos, as there is so much variety around every corner.
When your very best friend since 1st grade is turning 50… what do you give her? Well, you have a photoshoot! An SNL inspired photoshoot, no less. We had so much fun at the TX Studio setting up different looks one afternoon and toasting to our friendship. Pretty fun way to ring in your 50th birthday! If you have a milestone birthday coming up, let’s set up a session!
It’s almost that time! Some amazing humans are about to graduate and head off to college. I absolutely love photographing seniors. It’s such a special time and I just love capturing what someone is like during these milestone months. Leaving home for the first time, learning more independence, figuring out who they are and what they want out of life. It’s fun to look back on these as the kids I photograph grow older, and think about how much they’ve changed. There are some proud parents out there this month! Praying for all of you!